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General Election Candidates Fall 2022

Science Society general elections for the 2022/2023 year are here! Voting will take place on this site from OCT. 20 at 8 am - OCT 21 at 11:59 pm. Here are the candidates: 

Earth and Environmental Science Representative Candidates

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Jana Jandal Alrifai

Running for: Earth and Environmental Sciences Representative


Hello Science students!

I am a second year Environmental Studies major. I am an executive with the Jull Club and part of Outstanding Scholars. 

Physics Representative Candidates

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August Baughan 

Running for: Physics Representative


Hi! My name is August Baughan and I’m a third year undergraduate Medical Physics major. I’m also a part of the Outstanding Scholars program, working in Dr. Rehse’s Biomedical Physics lab. I have a strong passion for physics (in particular, light-matter interactions), and I want to share that passion. I strongly believe that as difficult as this subject can become, it has and always will be an integral part of science. Most importantly, however, physics is fun! My goal is to prove this by creating enjoyable and equitable opportunities for students of every branch of science by collaborating with the Physics Club to get everyone involved in physics-related events. I’m super excited about this opportunity, and I look forward to what this year has to offer! 

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Eric Joshi 

Running for: Physics Representative


My name is Eric Joshi and I am willing to be the Science Society's Physics Representative. As the learners of Physics, you need a representative who isn't just knowledgeable but also someone whom you can trust to represent your voice. As a Physics representative, being your voice is the utmost priority. I plan my goal to provide more RESOURCES in terms of both academics and research in order to satisfy one's curiosity. As a first year, I was quite saddened after hearing the stories from the seniors about people leaving the program due to hardships faced, mainly academic. I consider this to be a highly probable situation which I might witness in the future, in order to reduce the chances of such 'catastrophe,' I wish to provide more resources to the students in Physics regardless of their seniority. I also wish to provide SUPPORT in any problem faced by us. Despite my age, I do happen to be a little wise with solutions to everything life has to afflict. What is the use knowledge when it isn't used for the right cause? Contact me with any questions regardless of the results at

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Simon Michael 

Running for: Physics Representative


Hello, my name is Simon and I’m a third year medical physics student. I am from Sudbury, and I have always been passionate about physics. I was drawn to medical physics because I aspire to work in cancer treatment or research in the future. I hope to help ensure a positive university experience and protect the interest of science students. I plan to do this through advocacy of students and assisting in planning both social and professional development activities. I also see this as a way to give back to the community through fundraising efforts. I look forward to representing you as your physics representative. 

First-Year Representative Candidates

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Connor FIliault 

Running for: First-year Representative


Hey everyone, I’m Connor Filiault, your newest SciSoc rep (hopefully)! I’m currently in Biomedical Sciences and looking to make an impact on all the science students at UWindsor. Through electing me as your 1st year representative, you are choosing to have the best university experience imaginable. You want that don’t you? Now that I’ve hooked you, let me back my claim. As a representative, my duty is to promote SciSoc activities to my fellow classmates. Not only will I ensure everyone knows when and where the best science events are taking place, but I will also FIGHT to make sure they’re worth attending. It’s your first year in university, I get it, mine too. We only have so much time to spare and with me as your SciSoc representative, I will guarantee that your time will never be wasted. I will push for social and fun events. Everyone wants to meet new people this year. Think of electing me as your SciSoc rep as the first step to your successful, social and enjoyable university experience. Vote for Connor, I’m supposed to rhyme something here, but nothing good rhymes with Connor. So… vote for me anyways. It’s the BEST decision ever! 

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Reem Bazzi 

Running for: First-year Representative


I am Reem Bazzi and I am a first year Chemistry major. I am passionate about Science and believe that including everyone in this field is important. I also believe it’s crucial to acknowledge the diversity in the field and uplift the voices of the marginalized folks who are underrepresented in Science. I want to provide fun ideas and make events that will help with providing Science education and let people find the fun and beauty of it. I care deeply for the community and will always listen to their thoughts and opinions, so Science Society can improve and do what they’re meant to do: uplift everyone and show the beauty of Science. I hope to be part of that and give my all to it. 

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Tayeba Azeem 

Running for: First-year Representative


Hello Science Students!
I am a first-year biomed student and am passionate about science as it is one of my favorite subjects in school overall. I’m also involved in other science related clubs on the campus such as Women in Science, Destination in Science, and am a marketing coordinator in ReadSci where my job is solely to spread awareness about the club and encourage people to join. I would say I have good communication skills, as I am always open to new ideas and feedback from my other peers as to for instance, if they were to propose an event that they would want to happen I would make sure to listen and try to accommodate to their needs to the best that I can. I also want to incorporate having fun with science while still being educational at the same time! @tayeba_azeem 

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Nishanth Muthukumar 

Running for: First-year Representative


Hey, my name is Nishanth and I’m a first-year student in BCN. I’m thrilled to be running for the position of First-Year Representative for SciSoc this year. I’ve been a part of many committees and councils throughout my time in high school and have gained invaluable experience when it comes to working with a group of people whose literal purpose is to make your university experience more enjoyable and memorable. My goal is to ensure that first year students are provided with opportunities to get involved, whether it be through events or fundraisers, and socialize as well as network with other students within the faculty. I have a ton of new ideas to bring to the table and I’m always open to listening to any suggestions or concerns you may have. 

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Mary Schratz  

Running for: First-year Representative


Hi! I’m Mary, and I’m a first-year forensic science student. I moved to Windsor from Vancouver, BC specifically for my program as there’s only a handful of universities in Canada that offer it. In my free time, I love baking (I live off res!) and watching Criminal Minds (no spoilers, please). At school, I’m on the Careers in Science team, an editor with ReadSci, and a member of the Forensic Student Association, Women in Science, and the Philosophy Club. I’m genuinely so friendly, so if you see me in class or find my Instagram, absolutely just talk to me. 😊 

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Rishi Naidu 

Running for: First-year Representative


Hi my name is Rishi Naidu! I am a first year student in neuroscience. I am very excited to be here at the University of Windsor and can’t wait for the next 4 years. I am passionate about biology and the also very interested in creating policy that looks to fulfill students needs. With my previous research into teen mental health alongside the CMHA and other mental health organizations I am the perfect person to reach out for any questions and inquiries about your academic and social life! See you around campus! 

Chemistry and Biochemistry Representative Candidates

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Alejandra Diaz-Otero 

Running for: Chemistry and Biochemistry Representative


I’m a first-year biochemistry student that wants to represent YOU for the science society! After meeting so many new people on campus, I’ve learned that one of the first questions always asked is, “What program are you in?” And guess what? Everyone and their mothers are majoring in biomedical sciences. Biochemistry students are a rare breed, and chemistry students are even harder to find! As your chemistry/biochemistry rep, I will be a loud voice for all of us, voicing your recommendations, opinions, and ideas. I want to maximize ways for us to socialize and build up our community, while learning about our career options and pathways for specialized studies. I would love to be able to have more networking events, catered specifically to our degree, where chemistry/biochemistry-specialized speakers tell us what the scientific community/field is like. It is best to learn from the experts, so I believe it is important to gather advice from world-renowned scientists, like, for example, Bill Nye, and maybe some of our professors too! As a first-year, I am curious to learn all about my field of study and am looking forward to being able to help my peers through their science journey. 

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