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Exec Election Candidates 2024

Science Society executive elections for the 2023/2024 year are here! Voting will take place from March 4th at 8 am - March 5th at 11:59 pm. To help make an informed voting decision, here are the candidates and their platforms below. Once you have read all of the platforms, you will find the link to vote at the bottom of this page (once it's available). 


Renil Kooplicat

Running for: President

I will be running for president again this year and my campaign is focused around 3 aspects that I will bring to the Science Society: more TRANSPARENCY, expert LEADERSHIP, and extensive EXPERIENCE.


This past year, I have noticed that there is a divide between members of the Science Society and I hope to rectify this by being open to communication and transparent about all decisions. Every member on council should know their opinions matter, and all students in science should be properly advocated for. I vow to be your voice and make sure you are all heard.


With a successful term as Co-President of the Science Society this year, I have developed my leadership skills immensely. If you place your trust in me to lead this club next year, I vow to not let you down.


Finally, with 3 years of experience, I know this society inside and out. I have had lots of time to extensively study the way the Science Society runs and understand its shortcomings. I vow to maintain the dignity of our club and bring even better changes.


I hope to have the pleasure of being your president once again. Make your vote count!


Tamjeed Nawaz

Running for: President


Hey! My name is Tamjeed, and I’m excited to run to be Scisoc’s 2024-2025 president! I’m currently a third-year Artsci student, and I’ve been working tirelessly to represent students in Scisoc since getting elected back at the end of my 1st year.

As president, I would work tirelessly to ensure STUDENT MONEY GOES BACK TO THEM through updated amenities and spaces (renovated sci lounge 👀 ), more fun, frequent, and affordable events, as well as creating professional opportunities.

I want Scisoc to reflect our diverse student body. I seek to inspire change and explore new perspectives by targeting underrepresented demographics. I also plan to promote and expand upon student services such as the student opportunity fund and the wellness corner.

Lastly, I seek to build a bridge between council and students by implementing townhalls and censuses where students can voice their concerns, as well as recentering our Scisoc office hours as an avenue for advocacy. In conjunction with this, I would enforce transparency, so that students are kept in the loop regarding council.

Overall, I seek to enhance your experience and make science society serve ALL students. Remember, a vote for Tam, is a vote for YOU!


Marco Sladoje

Running for: VP Internal


Hello my name is Marco Sladoje and I’m a 3rd year biomedical science student hoping to get your vote as VP internal. My goal this year is to promote the well-being of students within the faculty of science and to finally make your voices heard. If I’m elected VP internal I'll prioritize effective communication channels and ensure members stay informed and engaged. I value diversity and inclusivity and seek to amplify underrepresented voices in science. Vote for me, and together we'll elevate Science Society's internal dynamics. 


Reem Bazzi

Running for: VP Internal


Hello, everyone!


I'm Reem, a second-year chemistry undergrad. I believe I’m suitable for VP Internal, with my experience as an active Science Society undergrad rep since my first year.


As rep, one of my various tasks was helping with organization and promotion for Meet the Prof Night. Along with helping me connect with professors and gain valuable event planning experience, it showed me how great networking can be for students' academic success.


As VP Internal, I hope to further improve Meet the Prof Night and introduce more networking events. I also want to promote Faculty of Science departmental clubs and their events to help students connect with each other. I believe open communication between Science Society and departmental clubs is key to this.


My goal is to help students make connections at every level, from high-ranking faculty to their peers. I will do my very best to ensure every student has opportunities to do so.


Please consider supporting me by voting me for VP Internal!


Sofia Milicia

Running for: VP Internal


Hey! My name is Sofia Milicia! I am currently in my second year, studying Biomedical Sciences. This past year I served as a Biomedical Sciences Representative on the Science Society Council. You may be asking yourself, why should I vote for Sofia? My mission as VP Internal is to maximize the student life within the Faculty of Science, by being the link between the council and the departmental clubs run under Science Society. Networking and relationship-building are not just tasks for me; they are opportunities to learn, share, and create lasting connections that benefit everyone involved. I want to prioritize addressing students' concerns and actively seeking feedback to create a supportive and inclusive educational environment. My ability to approach problems with creative and strategic thinking encourages finding innovative solutions and turning obstacles into stepping stones for success. Vote Sofia Milicia for VP Internal!


Connor Filiault

Running for: VP Student Advocacy


Hey everyone, my name is Connor Filiault - and the following is why I’d love you to consider voting for me as your VP Student Advocacy for the 2024/2025 school year.


With myself as VP Student Advocacy, I can guarantee to deliver top notch Wellness Wednesdays. I know life as a science student can be overwhelming more times than it’s not, but I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that you guys enjoy your time here in university.


I am going to make sure that your voices are heard and every one of you are advocated for. Have snack requests for our wellness corner? I’ll see to it. Have a unique idea for a Wellness Wednesday? I’m all ears! 


Let’s make next year a great experience. Between your labs and exams, sometimes it's hard to remember university is supposed to be fun. With me as your VP Student Advocacy, I can guarantee so many great ways to relax and enjoy the student life.


University doesn’t have to be a constant stressor, let’s enjoy it together!

Vote for Connor, it would be an honor :D


Jana Jandal Alrifai

Running for: VP Student Advocacy

I'm dedicated to empowering all scientists and fostering transparency. I'll ensure open communication and accountability, drawing from my 2 years of experience on SciSoc and other clubs. Reintroducing monthly meeting minute recaps and providing plain-language editions of our constitution and policy manuals will enhance accessibility.


The science community at UWindsor is not a monolith and that deserves recognition. I'll tirelessly increase visibility for minority programs, amplifying underrepresented demographics to ensure every student feels valued and supported. I will continue building on the beloved Wellness Wednesday traditions and include some new ones like, like book clubs and sports days focused on community-building. I will make it easier to access those events by bringing them to all parts of campus.


Additionally, I will ensure more on and off campus opportunities are presented and make it easier for students to utilise the Opportunity Fund, ensuring that financial barriers do not hinder your academic and extracurricular pursuits. I will also be introducing a monthly Science student award that allows us to better celebrate all the science students and their great achievements.


Together, let's empower each other, engage in transparent dialogue, and evolve a Science Society where it's easy to belong, and easier to flourish.


Lindsey Boshart

Running for: VP Student Advocacy


Hello! My name is Lindsey Boshart, and I am a 3rd year Biomedical Science student. This year I am running for VP Student Advocacy. I am honoured to have been a part of this faculty and society for the past 3 years, and I hope to continue my efforts in creating an enjoyable student experience! My involvement on Science Society has consisted of being a volunteer, a Biomedical Science representative, and the current CRO. My dedication to these positions has allowed me to build relationships with science students on and off council.


I am passionate about Science Society’s mission to represent all students within the Faculty of Science. Our initiatives should best reflect the diverse opinions our student body has to offer. My eagerness and commitment to seek ideas and hear feedback from all science students will allow me to not only uphold the standard of various wellness initiatives but expand on them even further. It is my goal to provide resources that are inclusive of everyone’s needs and to hold events that students can both benefit from and look forward to.


I am anticipating another amazing school year! Thank you for your consideration!

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Lauren Pandolfi

Running for: VP of Social Events


Hi Science Students! My name is Lauren Pandolfi, and I’m very excited to be a candidate for the position of VP Social Events for Science Society 2024-2025. I’ve had so much fun as the events coordinator for Science Society for the past two years, and I’m hoping to expand my responsibilities and involvement by taking on the role of vice-president of Social Events next year. I’ve learned a lot working directly with the previous leaders, and I plan to utilize my experience to fulfill this role to the best of my abilities. I’ve been involved in planning many events with SciSoc and other organizations, acquiring skills that will make me successful in this role. I will prioritize inclusivity, collaboration, and creativity to plan and host events that incorporate the various interests of all Science students, while uniting the student body. I want to create a welcoming and open space for students to provide ideas and feedback about the events Science Society holds. I am very passionate about my involvement on SciSoc, and if you elect me for VP Social Events, I promise to be dedicated and put the best interest of Science Students first. Vote LP for VP Social Events! 


Nishanth Muthukumar

Running for: VP of Social Events


Hey! I’m Nishanth Muthukumar, currently in my second year of BCN, and I’m thrilled to be running for VP Events on SciSoc this year. I’ve been a part of and worked alongside many clubs and societies on campus over the past 2 years and have gained valuable experience when it comes to organizing various events for students. I'm running with a vision to enrich our science community through engaging, diverse, and innovative events. From interactive workshops to fun social nights, my goal is to create memorable experiences that inspire and connect us all. Thanks!


Alejandra Diaz-Otero

Running for: VP of Finance


Hello Science Students!


My name is Alejandra Diaz-Otero, and I would love to be your next VP finance. I have been the chemistry/biochemistry representative for two years, teaching me the ins and outs of science society. Let’s cut to the chase, science society is responsible for TONS of money. Where does this money come from? Your tuition! As VP finance, I want to ensure science students feel like they are getting the most out of their money. The student opportunity fund is a key item I want to push for to encourage and support students financially in their career development. Science society also funds departmental clubs, and I want to streamline the process of how these clubs receive their funding. My experience has equipped me for this role, as I have worked in the finance department of a company that moved hundreds of thousands monthly. I worked with a large team, managing workflow, communication threads, and many, many, MANY excel sheets (essentially the foundation of finance). With my communication, attention to detail, and “excel”lent skills, science society’s funds will be kept track of smoothly. Invest in a vote for Alejandra, and I will make sure you receive a good return.


Rohan Talukdar

Running for: VP of Finance


Hello everyone!

First of all, if you are looking for someone corrupt who will misrepresent numbers, then I’m not your guy. Look for someone else. But… if you are looking for someone who can’t be bought, is organized, competent, and honest, then I might be your guy.


I know how the financial process works, and I have good relations with the UWSA. As the president and the key handler of the UWindsor Chess Team’s finances, I have been reimbursed a total of $897.59 (and yes, I do care about reporting finances in terms of every penny). To give you an idea, most clubs just start off with $300 when initially forming their club. To achieve more than that, it requires being organized and being able to give rationale for funding.


Also, I am the type of person who can get things done. I’m a former National Chess Champion who was #1 in Canada in my age category for 3 consecutive years.


I believe in 100% transparency. Every single fund, whether small or large, will be showcased, and you will know where the money is going.


It’s up to you. Or should I use the standard chess cliché, it’s your move!


Filip Botica

Running for: VP of Finance


Evelyn Drago

Running for: VP of Communications


My name is Evelyn Drago and I'm in my second year of Biomedical Sciences, I'm running for VP Communication! I have always been highly passionate about making a difference in my community, from a very young age I have always tried to be very involved in making lasting impacts wherever I go and would love to apply this to Science Society. This year I was lucky enough to work closely with the VP of Communications being a communication coordinator learning the role and aiding in any way I could while helping to launch Science Society’s TikTok account! As your next VP of communication, I will ensure that each and every one of you has access to all events that Science Society is hosting and pertinent information to them to help enrich your university experience! Making sure you’re guaranteed to stay up to date with everything Science Society across ALL platforms if not when you are scrolling Instagram then on your FYP or through Twitter! Additionally, I want to hear your voices to make sure you are heard and represented through social media, general council matters and even Science Society merch!


Maggie Murphy

Running for: VP of Communications


Hi! My name is Maggie Murphy and I am running for VP Communications in this year’s Science Society election!  As a candidate for Science Society's VP of Communications, I'm dedicated to improving lines of communication and creating a strong sense of community among our members. My goal is to create a lively, welcoming environment where all voices are respected, heard, and valued. I hope to be able to build connections among our varied student body, boost engagement, and spread the word about our club through creative ideas and effective planning.  I plan to use a variety of communication channels, including social media and newsletters, to notify members about upcoming events, ways they can become involved, and any important club updates. In addition, I aim to encourage an environment of open communication and cooperation where suggestions are welcomed and used to enhance Science Society on a regular basis.  Let's work together to build connections, create discussions, and develop life-long learning opportunities that enhance everyone's university experience!


Rishi Naidu

Running for: VP of Communications

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Adam Bakos

Running for: VP of External


As a representative on Science Society, I’ve had the chance to work closely with the current VP External in outreach and organization of events related to external affairs. I’ve learned a lot while on this committee and my work with them has inspired great ideas that I plan to integrate as VP External on next year’s council.


1. I aim to continue collaborating with other societies on campus to bring students of different faculties together, such as expanding the Engineering Vs. Science hockey game to charity tournaments against multiple societies on campus.


2. I’d love to explore outreach opportunities off-campus that would allow students to increase their community exposure, through possible trips to conferences or collaboration with experts in fields related to students’ interests.


3. Most importantly, I want to connect with as many students throughout the Faculty of Science, especially in determining a charity for our annual gala that will have the largest impact on our local community.

I believe that our faculty’s council has so much power to make a difference beyond our campus, and I’d be honoured to lead and represent YOU and your ideas as VP External on Science Society. Thank you for your consideration.


Matteo Frattaroli

Running for: VP of External


My name is Matteo Frattaroli and I am currently in my third year of studies in Biomedical Sciences. I am thrilled to announce that I will be running for the position of Vice President of  External Affairs for this upcoming school year. As a current executive of Science Society and being a part of Science Society for the past three years, I have a vast understanding of the “ins and outs” and am eager to promote a positive atmosphere as a returning executive on Science Society. With that, I aim to maintain positive communication with our elected charity of the year, potential sponsors for our awesome events throughout the year, and the Ontario Science Students’ Association (OSSA). Also, I strive to develop relationships with other external organizations and provide our Science Students with the utmost opportunity to take part in a variety of activities. Therefore, I hope you consider voting for me as your next Vice President of External Affairs as I will:


  1. Advocate for all students within Science.

  2. Maintain positive relations with external organizations.

  3. Lead Science Society to another victory over Engineering Society.

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