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Exec Election Candidates W2022

Science Society executive elections for the 2023/2024 year are here! Voting will take place on this site from February 16th at 8 am - February 17th at 11:59 pm. To help make an informed voting decision, here are the candidates and their platforms below. Once you have read all of the platforms, you will find the link to vote at the bottom of this page. 


Renee Wulterkens

Running for: President


Hello Science Students! My name is Renee Wulterkens and I am thrilled to be running for 2023-2024 Science Society President! I am currently a third year Biomedical Sciences student and have been involved on council since my first year. My platform is focused on prioritizing EXPERIENCE. I want to improve the science student experience by introducing and updating events to make them more engaging and accessible. I plan to take actionable steps toward lessening the divide between science council and science students. This includes better informing students about council Office Hours and developing new lines of communication for the student voice to be heard. I also want to support science students' academic experience by fostering connections with faculty members. I have great ideas for more resources and events for students to take part in to strengthen their academic experience. Vote Renee for President and let my experience better YOUR experience!

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Renil Kooplicat

Running for: President


I am excited to announce my candidacy for president of the University of Windsor Science Society. As a dedicated student of science, I believe I have the passion, experience, and leadership skills to lead our club to even greater heights.

My platform is based on the following core principles:

1. Fostering inclusivity: I will work to ensure that our club is inclusive and welcoming to ALL students, regardless of their background or major as the best ideas come from diverse perspectives.

2. Building strong relationships: As president, I will set up more socials where students can meet new friends. I believe collaboration with peers is the key to success. I also hope to set up a science mentoring program and occasional study sessions where we can help one another to reach our academic goals.

3. Giving back to the community: I pledge to give back to the community by hosting more charity events next year.

If elected as president, I promise to work tirelessly to advance the goals of our club and support the growth and development of each and every member involved.

Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to have the opportunity to serve as your president.

Chloe Crep

Running for: VP Internal


Hi Lancers, my name is Chloe Crep, and I am a third year integrative biology student. I am running for the position of Vice President of Internal Affairs. I have been a part of the Science Society for 3 years including representative positions and over the last year an executive position. As the current VP of Internal Affairs, I have had the opportunity to advocate for students while incorporating their recommendations in communication with all of the science clubs at the University of Windsor. The main event that I organized last semester was Meet the Professor Night. Undergraduate students were able to attend a night to socialize with professors outside of the classroom to talk about research opportunities. One of my main goals as VP internal is to allow students to gain hands-on volunteer experience in research labs and allow students to establish connections with faculty members. I understand and have personally experienced how stressful it is trying to find and potentially join a research lab that may interest you. This is something that I want to change and ultimately help you with as your VP internal next year. Thank you for all your support!

Lindsey Boshart

Running for: VP Internal


Hi! My name is Lindsey Boshart, I am a 2nd year biomedical science student and I am running for VP Internal of Science Society. I am honoured to have been a part of this faculty and society for the past 2 years, and I hope to continue my efforts in creating an enjoyable student experience. This year I will help to maintain integrity in the constitution as well as provide order to council. This will ensure the faculty of science can continue to provide initiatives for students to take part in. Along with my pledge to enhance student life, I will work hard to keep up the standard of our MySci Mentorship program in assisting students with a seamless transition to university. This year I also aim to strengthen the academic resources available for students, as well as create new invaluable opportunities in academia. Additionally, it is my goal to emphasize consistent communication with departmental and student associations within the faculty of science. Overall, my discipline, creativity, and experience in student-led leadership initiatives on and off campus make me an ideal candidate for this year’s VP Internal.

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Alexa Burks

Running for: VP External Affairs


Hi Science Students! 

My name is Alexa Burks and I am running for VP of External Affairs on Science Society. I have had two years of experience on Science Society, as the VP of External Affairs and as the Biomedical Science Representative. 

As the VP of External Affairs this year, I have formed important connections with our local charity of the year, WCCF. I have worked in collaboration with WeSpark and other external organizations to provide support for our charity. I have arranged two separate upcoming Speaker Series events to provide opportunities for every student in the Faculty of Science to get involved. I was a Faculty of Science student leader for Welcome Week, and made countless connections with students at the University of Windsor. 

These positions on council have allowed me to gain valuable leadership skills and insight on the responsibility I have to represent undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science, and I am excited to introduce new ideas next year if given the opportunity. My goal is to voice student concerns, bring back the Ontario Science Games and introduce different ways for science students to get involved within the community. I appreciate your support!


Anent Grewal

Running for: VP External Affairs


Hi everyone, my name is Anent Grewal and I am currently an Integrative Biology Representative on Science Society. This year I am running for Vice-President of External Affairs. After gaining experience as a representative on the team, I have a very good understanding of the responsibilities and roles the Vice-President of External Affairs should uphold. Once elected, I am responsible for making sure that all science students have the opportunity to experience all that there is to offer at the University of Windsor and within the community, and I will make sure that happens. With my resources, knowledge and expertise, I will provide students with meaningful and enriching opportunities with a variety of honourable and respected professionals in the community. As Vice-President of External Affairs, I will provide opportunities and experiences that no other candidate can or has.


Jeffery Martin

Running for: VP Communications


Hello! My name is Jeffery Martin and I am asking you to re-elect me as your VP Communications for the upcoming year!


 As your current VP Communications, I have accomplished lots and I still have more I want to do with this role! Through this role, I managed all of our social media platforms and ensured all content was created and posted in a timely manner. I managed the science society website which involves keeping information up to date, running the elections, and setting up ticket sales for gala and our charity raffle. I was responsible for the annual T-shirt order and I picked the design of this years shirt. I had the largest committee on science society which involved managing the work of 6 coordinators, and 8 representatives. Frequently, I sent emails to everyone in the faculty of science, informing them of upcoming events and sharing news from other science related clubs. Something new I implemented in my role was Club Spotlight Wednesdays. Through this new weekly post, Science Society was able to bring attention to clubs ratified under us and increase their audience.


I am hoping to implement new posts and initiatives like this and if re-elected, I will follow through with this plan. Additionally, I will try to bring new merch options to science society, increase our presence on TikTok, and implement more Instagram takeovers from Science Society Members and Professionals with Science Careers.


Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you choose to re-elect me as your VP of communications! To find out more about my platform, check out my Instagram @JefferyMartin10

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Connor Filiault

Running for: VP Communications


Wassup everyone, I am Connor Filiault - and the following is why I should be VP of Communications in the upcoming year of SciSoc.

With myself as VP of Communications, I can guarantee that the… well, communication side of SciSoc would be the best it has ever been. I will be the intermediate connecting the student body (you) to what's going on with SciSoc at all times!

With me as your VP of Communications, you will always know what events SciSoc is hosting, so you don’t miss them! We host some pretty amazing things and I want to provide you with the opportunity to not only know about these events but to communicate with SciSoc directly and ask questions in real-time with rapid responses. (pretty cool right?)

If you want someone who’s going to ensure the stories, posts and promotions for SciSoc are as engaging and exciting as they can possibly be, you know where to best spend your vote!

Vote for Connor, I’d be honour(ed) ;)

Olivia Youssef

Running for: VP of Social Events


Hello Science Students! 

My name is Olivia Youssef, and I am running for the position of Vice President of Social Events. I am currently a third year student in Health and Biomedical Science, as well as the current VP of Social Events for Science Society.

While holding this position, I have planned many of the Science Society events students have seen on campus over the past year. These include Welcome Week Events, Paint and Sip Night, Mol Day, pub crawls, the Annual Charity Gala and Raffle, as well as the upcoming Pi Day, and more! This experience, in addition to my previous position as a Second Year Representative, has allowed me to develop a deep understanding on how to build a community within our faculty, and to gain a large passion and insight on how to organize, plan, and execute events and ideas, all while fundraising for the charity of the year. 

If given the opportunity, I hope to continue the well known and loved events Science Society has to offer. I also hope to introduce other new events, including karaoke nights, nature yoga classes, and collaborations with other on-campus clubs. 

Thank you for your time and consideration,
Olivia Youssef


Victoria Iannetta

Running for: VP of Student Advocacy


I am Victoria Iannetta, a third-year undergraduate student in the Behaviour, Cognition, and Neuroscience program. I am running for the Vice President of Student Advocacy because I have a passion to ensure that all students have the best experience possible at the University of Windsor. During the past two years on Science Society, I have dedicated my efforts to being the voice of student concerns. In particular, I collaborated with fellow members to create an Open Letter to the Faculty of Science, which proposed action items to increase in-person learning options, while continuing to provide online classes. After gaining support, we presented student testaments to the Dean of Science, a committee of science professors, and the University of Windsor Senate. In my role as the VP of Student Advocacy this previous term, I have focused my efforts on increasing mental health awareness through Wellness Wednesday events and social media posts. As a volunteer on the Canadian Mental Health Association support line, I am devoted to ensuring that students have a safe and approachable person to discuss concerns with, and ensure that these issues will be addressed.

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Grace Querbach

Running for: VP of Student Advocacy


Hi everyone! I am Grace Querbach, and I am in my second year of Biomedical Science. I am currently a Biomedical Science Representative on Science Society, and I am now running for Vice-President of Student Advocacy. I thoroughly enjoyed my time on the council this year, and I would be honoured to continue working with this amazing council next year. As Vice-President of Student Advocacy, I plan to not only listen to but act on the concerns and opinions of science students, advocate for students’ mental health and well-being, and build a positive and inclusive environment for science students. I will organize various wellness events to give students a chance to decompress from their demanding workload. I would love nothing more than to take on this role and be an approachable and reliable figure for all science students to depend on this year. I am very hard-working, dedicated, organized, and passionate about supporting others which makes me a perfect candidate for this position. As Vice-President of Student Advocacy, I will make sure that all students in the faculty of science have many opportunities to destress and have fun, and I will make sure that all voices are heard.

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Caroline Alionte

Running for: VP Finance


Hi everyone! My name is Caroline Alionte, and I am the current VP of Finance for Science Society. Being on council the last two years as a physics rep and as a VP has given me a very good understanding of the responsibilities these positions hold, the value of teamwork, and how to enrich students’ experience in the Faculty of Science. This has been our first “normal” year since COVID, and my goal has been to give back to students as much as possible through various events, opportunities, and resources. The budget for this year has reflected that goal, and with every expense, I ensure that the needs of STUDENTS are put first. I have prioritized hosting free socials and keeping events and as affordable as we possibly can, while balancing the rising costs of inflation. I have increased the Student Opportunity Fund, a resource available to any science student in need, to $15,000, and I am happy to say it has been of aid to numerous students so far. I hope to continue doing all this and more if re-elected VP Finance for the upcoming year. Thank you!

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